Monday, October 20, 2014

Arguin' ...

     Howdy, y’all!  47 years ago today, on October 20, 1967 … Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin rode into Bluff Creek and filmed an animal that has yet to be properly scientifically documented.  Fact is, folks have been arguin’ for almost half a century as to what they had actually filmed.  Now, I don’t wanna insult anyone’s intelligence, but almost any outdoorsman who has seen this film should be able to distinguish the difference between a live animal and a man in a friggin’ costume.  Period.  I ain’t goin’ to beat a dead horse for this entry by postin' my personal opinions as to why I deduce that this film was of a real, livin’ critter.  What I am goin’ to suggest is that for anyone … especially the skeptics, to read the book When Roger Met Patty by William Munns.  Afterwards, if skeptics still wanna do some arguin’ ... I would in all probability conclude that those individuals might just be friggin' remedial.  Please excuse my tone, y’all; I'm not tryin' to be mean, but ... I just calls ‘em likes I sees ‘em!
     I received this folio on July 30 of this year and have read it twice … as in all 476 pages of it, includin’ the other 15 pages of citations, index and bibliography, etc. thereafter.  If you haven’t already done so, please check-out this fascinatin’ book!  Munns has painstakingly and thoroughly covered all of the bases, while not crossin’ the line with any bat-sh¡t crazy theories or conjectures.  So whether you are a bona fide skeptic or just sittin’ on the fence about the validity of this historic piece of film footage, this casebook is a must-read.  Maybe then, folks who have actually read his analysis might do a bunch-more researchin’ and a lot less arguin’ … so please give it a look-see, and y’all come back now, you hear?

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