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Onward through the slough; enterin' Carter Lake, before the salvinia scourge. |
Howdy-do! Hope y’all are havin’ a great
huntin’ season, and everyone is gearin’-up for the upcommin’ holidays. So speakin’ of gear … I’ve been goin’ through most
of mine, and sortin’ out the excess baggage.
Holy, sh¡t! How much gear can one
man carry out there in them woods? Well,
I guess that all depends on what-all one plans to do. If I’m slough-stalkin’ … I try to carry
everything I’d need so I don’t gotta be makin’ multiple trips back to a boat,
truck or wherever I’m beddin’ down for the night. I live by the motto, “Go Prepared” … but
sometimes, I think I’ve gone friggin’ overboard! Bet my beautiful bride wishes I’d actually fall overboard; say, somewhere out in a
gator-infested swamp … so she can cash-in on my life insurance policy! Then she might actually get to live-out the
rest of her years in that Southern Living
dream home with the wrap-around porch that she’s always wanted.
Seriously, I’ve been sortin’ through all of my outdoor gear to see if I can streamline what-all I actually carry with me while I’m out there in them woods. Now, I ain’t talkin’ ‘bout gear for a day-hike … basically, I try to pack everything that I might need on my back or around my waist for scoutin’ for at least a couple of days. I wear a Camelbak hydration pack, which can pretty-much well contain most everything. It holds 100 ounces of water, my one-man packable bivouac, a fleece comforter, plaster castin’ supplies, a custom First-Aid kit, a pair of binoculars, a night-vision monocular and a machete. Hell, I couldn’t even begin guesstimatin’ what all this weighs. And includin’ all the extra crap I’ve stuffed in pockets & pouches, such as trail food, bug repellent, a headlamp & rain-gear … that’s a lot of baggage! And that’s just the gear I wear on my back …
That don’t include what’s ‘round
my waist … and I ain’t talkin’ ‘bout my damn beer-gut! I wear a fanny-pack with a water bottle, and zipped
inside is all the stuff I need immediate access to. Let’s see … there’s my compass, cell phone,
fluorescent orange trail-tape & reflective limb-lights, a Maglite Mini, an
Olympus 1GB digital sound recorder, an 8MP digital camera, game
calls (coyote, crow & wounded rabbit)
and more trail food. On my belt is a Garmin
e-trex GPS, my sidearm with 2 extra magazines and a knife. I keep a back-up pistol with extra magazine, keys
& Copenhagen in my jean pockets. And
hangin’ from my chest on a harness is a Canon 35mm w/50x zoom. Y’all getting’ tired yet?
‘Cause when I’m out servicin’ my trail-cams, I also have to carry a custom
tool pouch, batteries (24 “C” and 8 “AA”) and a can of 20’ wasp spray in-case I
got squatters in my dang security boxes.
Please keep in mind that all
this baggage is mainly for goin’ off trail.
Now, I ain’t talkin’ ‘bout pullin’ up to some State Park where there’s a
manicured designated campin’ area and all your gear is conveniently located in
the bed of a truck ... nope. Since the majority of what I do is
slough-stalkin’ … everything either gets shuttled via bass-boat or by kayak to
even get close to where I wanna scout or set-up a camp. So like I said, my goal is to see if I can
streamline what-all I actually carry with me while I’m out there in them woods. I’m not sayin’ that I cain’t make due without
some of this stuff. Yeah, the back-up
pistol is a luxury … but I don’t go many places without it. The extra digital camera don’t weigh much,
but if sh¡t can happen with electronics ... it usually will as far as my hapless-ass in
concerned. And even though my Galaxy S4 has a fairly
decent camera … I try and conserve my cell phone battery for makin' calls. On top of that, I done told y'all I ain't goin' to be postin' none of them-there "blob-squatch" photos. I want somethin' clear, close & legit ... not some blurred or pixelated sh¡t!
So, what-all can I do to
lighten my load? The first thing I tried
was to weigh everything; I figured that if I actually knew an approximate
weight ... I might psyche myself into tryin’ to do without. With all of the gear mentioned above, I came up with 43 lbs. of baggage! But when it was all said & done, I
couldn’t really part with anything ‘cept maybe the plaster castin’ supplies. If I do find somethin’ significant, I could
always mark it and double-back … but the last time I did that, I got friggin’ Lost!
God forbid I should ever get pulled over; ‘cause if someone were to
search the back of my truck … I’d have to explain what all that friggin’ white
powder was! I carry two canisters of
plaster with the labels still on ‘em; however, I keep a bunch more castin’
material pre-packed into large zip-lock baggies. These are what I carry in my Camelbak
hydration pack. If I find somethin’
worthy of castin’ … all I have to do is add water, re-seal the bag … mix it up,
cut one corner and squeeze the mix into the track.
Y’all are prob’ly thinkin’ that I’m
nuttier than a squirrel turd for carryin’ around all this baggage! Actually, it’s great exercise, and after doin’
this for a while … I kinda got used to it. Like
I said … this is the gear that I need for a couple of days & nights ... not just a
day hike. I guess I shouldn’t b¡tch about my baggage,
‘cause these are the items that I choose
to carry when I’m walkin’ ‘round out there in them woods. But if y’all really think about it, this ain’t
nothin’ compared to the baggage that the folks in our armed forces or some of
our first responders hafta carry on a
daily basis. So while we’re gathered
with family & friends enjoyin’ the holidays, y’all be sure and say a prayer of thanks
and keep the folks carryin’ ‘round the real baggage in mind. Y’all take care, be safe and God bless!
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